5 Tips for Introducing Your Baby to Solid Foods by Abbott Nutrition!

I have partnered with Abbott Nutrition to bring you this important information. 

Set the stage for a lifetime of good nutrition by making your baby’s transition to solid foods a smooth and healthy one.

You’ve got a spoon in one hand and a camera in the other: You’re ready to feed your baby her first “real” food! It’s an exciting time, but it can also be a bit nerve-wracking for moms. Will your baby open up for the airplane? Is now the right time to try solid food? Is it safe?

Deep breath. You’ve got this. Here, Tama Bloch, RDN, an Abbott research scientist specializing in pediatric nutrition, shares her top five tips for making your baby’s transition to real foods a smooth one that will set the stage for a lifetime of good nutrition.

1. Introduce “Real” Foods at Around 6 Months

2. Start Slow and Simple

3. Feed on Demand

4. Mix Up Your Menu with Healthy Foods

5. Introduce Potentially Allergenic Foods Gradually

If you are looking for more information, check out the whole article here!

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