Make Positive Changes For Your Child's Mental Health

By nature, the most important issue for any parent is the physical and mental health of their child. At the same time, it is not always easy to identify situations or behaviors that suggest the possibility of having to consult a psychologist, especially when it comes to young children who have difficulty verbally expressing their distress. The vigilance of parents and the educational staff is acute, in general and in such cases in particular, and it is important to be attentive and identify warning signs that signal the need to consult a psychologist who specializes in child care. Perhaps your child does well at day care, this is something to note when going forwards. All children need to develop their social skills.

Young children: Do not ignore red flags

The difficulty in recognizing and understanding the situation in young children is greater than in adults, since at a young age the child does not know how to translate into words, their feelings, the difficulties and hardships they experience. Emotional difficulties of various kinds develop in children in their inner world, but are only implicitly expressed in their outer world, not in words but in behaviors. For example, in the way the child plays, and is different from their past play, perhaps more aggressive, perhaps they actually tend to avoid playing altogether. Behavioral changes can also be manifested in the educational institution, in the class in which they participated and in any other place where their behavior is different from what it was before. Another red flag is a child’s life skills. Is your child behaving differently at home? Do they suffer from sleep disorders, have difficulty dressing on their own? Pay attention to these changes in all areas of life skills and be alert to any change in routine activities? Children who experience emotional difficulty can change behavior to two opposite ends: their behavior may be more aggressive, play more violent, their speech style more aggressive, or, alternatively, the child may want to position themselves "under the radar", be more silent, avoid social activities and games.


With older boys and girls it is easier to have a dialogue and they can express themselves and point out the emotional distress they are in. But they will not always choose to do so. Here, too, your role as parents, as well as the role of the educational staff, is to identify situations and behaviors that indicate the possibility of needing to see a psychologist. Adolescence is also a complex stage, challenging and full of upheavals, both for the adolescent and the parents. This rebellion is a natural and even positive process, but it is necessary, and important, to continue to be in dialogue with the adolescent.

Parents of adolescents are not always able to understand whether this is indeed a teenage rebellion or whether their child's behavioral patterns may indicate the need for psychological treatment. The recommendation is that even if there is a doubt, it is worth checking its veracity with a qualified person. You, the parents, know your child better than anyone. If as part of his adolescence process you find that he is more violent than usual, or if a significant boundary is crossed - stop, think, weigh. In some cases, the recommendation is for parental guidance only, or, depending on the situation, psychological treatment for your child and at the same time parental guidance for you too.

1 comment :

  1. This is really good advice, thank you so much for sharing! A childs mental health is very important, as it can form their whole life as they grow up.
