How to Create the Perfect Study Space in Any Sized Home!

This is a Guest Post. I only share with my readers information that I find fun, informative, or helpful. Enjoy!

Where it used to be that people went to school, got a job, then married and started a family, times have now changed and there is a new normal – that new normal is to do things in the order that makes sense for you. What that means is that those who have already started their families are now going back to school and working towards a dream career that they had put off.

If that sounds like you and your family’s situation then you’re going to need a quiet and comfortable place in the home to study and be productive. If you happen to have small children running around and space feels tight, it can seem a bit more challenging. Not to worry as these are tips that you can use to create the perfect study space in your home, regardless of how much space you have available.

Give Thought to Your Equipment Needs 

Before you set out to create that perfect space it’s important to give thought to your needs. Take, for example, the popular RN to MSN online program. This program is meant for registered nurses who are ready to take their career to the next level and get the educational background they need to step into a leadership role. Maybe this RN to MSN program is allowing you to pursue the career you’ve always dreamed of.

Online programs such as this one have become increasingly popular. The entire program is completed online in your home, which means there are a few basics you’re going to need - a reliable high-speed Internet connection, a desk, and a computer. Now that you know what equipment is needed, you can start to plan out the space.

Look Around the House in a Creative Way 

Now it’s time to pick that perfect place in your home. Obviously, if you have a spare room, such as a spare bedroom or a den, these make for ideal places to set up your study space. If you don’t have extra space, it’s necessary to look at things in a more creative manner. Ideally, your study space should be a place in the home that doesn’t get a lot of traffic, doesn’t have a lot of distractions, and there is a door that allows you to close off outside noise.

This space could be anything from a section in your room that you designate as your study space, to the nook under the stairs. Whatever works best for your needs. Some people even end up transforming a garage or shed into a home office.

Set the Tone for Learning 

Once you have chosen your designated study space, it’s time to set the tone for learning. This can include such things as natural light, task lighting, and ambient music that is relaxing and not distracting. Remove any phones and televisions in the space or at least turning them off, and pick comfortable furniture (desk and chair).

The Path to Success 

By taking the time to find that perfect location in your home to act as your study space and then setting it up to work for your needs, you’ll be putting yourself on the path to success where studying and learning are concerned.


  1. i like that and it easy to follow and then i have my office it not to straight but i now were ervery thing is at

  2. Thank you for sharing. We happen to have a extra bedroom so I use it for my own space.

  3. I really need a study space! Not really a full on office but a quiet space and this article offers great advice on such. Sometimes we just need to have a few minutes to get our our stuff done.

  4. We always need study space and not just the kitchen table which is usually a busy space anyways. We always did homework when we got home instead of waiting till later then forget it at the last minute.

  5. This is great information I can definitely use more space

  6. I love this, I think I am always finding ways to try to be creative in making a space not only for myself but that can be utilized by my grandchildren. Sometimes we clash but for the most part, we like it relaxed and natural.

  7. This is usefull information that my nieces,who wil soon take final exams can use.

  8. I certainly need a study space! But it's a challenge to find a quiet place when you're sharing a 1208 sq ft condo with 3 other adult members!

  9. Very useful information. I could use a dedicated office space in my home.
